Imagine if you could ask the top acting experts in the world ANYTHING about their area of expertise.


We did. Their answers are here. Over 3000 so far.

Giving you access to a never-before-seen database of current, accurate industry knowledge that will show you how to get more auditions and book more roles as an actor in film & TV.

Join the Secret Actor Society and always have the answer you need… when you need it.


“Packed with a ton of accurate information, strategies, and industry secrets that will save you years of wasted effort and frustration.”

- Briana Evigan

(Step Up 2: The Streets, From Dusk Til Dawn)


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Us at the Television Academy (Emmys) Voting Members Gala

Who Are We?

Kym Jackson and Andrew Steel

Two working Aussie actors based in LA.

Kym is a working actor with over sixty professional film and TV credits. She is the author of 'The Hollywood Survival Guide For Actors' textbook, a Television Academy (Emmys) voting member, and a MENSA member who has taught thousands of actors through her coaching, books, classes and seminars.

Andrew is the star of Netflix film Wish Man and a graduate of Australia’s most highly regarded acting school, NIDA. He is the co-founder of the socially conscious, non-profit film festival


Our SAS Experts Include: Ajarae Coleman (Acting Workshop Guru), Darren Darnborough (WeAudition), Shaan Sharma (Storytellers Conservatory), Ben Whitehair (TSMA, Working.Actor), Kym Jackson (The Hollywood Survival Guide), Shaked Berenson (Producer of 41 Feature Films), Amy Walker & Alex Brown (21 Accents), David H. Lawrence XVII (Rehearsal.Pro,, Karen Workman (Baby Steps To Hollywood), Ryan Basham (Branding Expert and Producer), Forbes Riley (Billionaire Strategy Coach), Ryan Walker (TSMA Consulting), Jess Orcsik (AADA), Ayelette Robinson (Acting Guru), Bonnie H. Wallace (Hometown Heroes), Elke Osadnik (Visa Specialist).

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